Velocity Finder Neural Trader is a trading indicator that provides respective buy or sell trades. According to the developer, the algorithm does not repaint itself and provides trades with good accuracy. After a complete analysis, we can verify the statements on the website.
Vendor Transparency
There is no information present on who is the real developer of the system. The product comes under the website banner We Talk Trade who claims to have started researching profitable trading setups since 2009. There is no proof whatsoever that can verify their statements which is a huge turn-off.

How Velocity Finder Neural Trader Works
Velocity Finder Neural Trader comes with the following features for traders:
- Ability to get instant alerts on trades
- You can customize stop loss and take profit levels
- 24/7 support is available to answer all of your inquiries
Time Frames, Currency Pairs, Deposit
The indicator works on all time frames and currency pairs. It is strange to see it perform over a wide class of assets as most of the systems are designed to work only on a single instrument. There is no mention of the minimal amount of funding that a trader should do. They also state that the algorithm can provide accurate trades overall market conditions.
Trading Approach
The website claims that the indicator works with huge precision with the trading strategy yet fails to mention what type of game plan it uses. There is no information on what price flow the algorithm uses to identify potential buy or sell opportunities. From the images on the page it is possible to deduce that the indicator paints the current trend of the market with green or red. It waits on the proper setup and then alerts traders by sending a notification through MetaTrader on possible positions. The developer states that a trader can combine it with other trading strategies.

Pricing and Refund
Velocity Finder Neural Trader is available for a one-time fee of $450. Each license is available for a single trading account. The website fails to inform us if there is a money-back guarantee. The cost is super high if we contrast the indicator with similar products in the market. With no verified live trading records, the price is absurd.

Trading Results
As Velocity Finder Neural Trader is an indicator, backtesting results are therefore not available. The developers also do not provide a hyperlink to live verified records on Myfxbook, which could prove their claims. Retail traders who may have bought the indicator also did not upload their records. Lack of transparency hints that the service is the usual get-rich-quick scam designed to rip traders off their money. They show off certain conditions where the robot might have worked through the images as bait.
People say that Velocity Finder Neural Trader is…
The product is a scam service. On TrustPilot, a total of 33 reviews give We Talk Trade an average rating of 3.1. Most of the positive reviews look as if they are bought.
On Forex Peace Army, Velocity Finder is opened under a scam alert section. The trader complains that using the system only resulted in consistent losses. The general rating for We Talk Trade averages 3.716 for 33 reviews. FPA warns traders that the company used scam services to increase their rating and sell their useless algorithm.

Pros | Cons |
24/7 customer support | No money-back guarantee |
There are no tracking records available | |
The reviews are super negative |
Velocity Finder Neural Trader Conclusion
Velocity Finder is another algorithm that does not provide enough evidence on its claims. There are a lot of negative reviews, which renders the indicator useless. Investing in their algorithm will only drain your money down the gutter.